Dr. Charles B. Huggins, University of Chicago professor and director of the Ben May Laboratory with members of the UCCRF Women's Board in 1965.


The University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation (UCCRF) is a not-for-profit organization, founded by Maurice Goldblatt in the 1940s, to support basic and clinical research programs related to the treatment and prevention of cancer at the University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center. The UCCRF plays a key role in helping enhance cancer care, develop more e­ffective and safer therapies, and promote prevention and screening research through fundraising.

UCCRF funding has enabled creative experimentation that tests unconventional ideas and brings about monumental advances in cancer care. It has supported research that deepened and expanded our understanding of malignancy. It also has promoted the value and importance of cancer prevention and research in our communities.


72 years of funding innovative cancer research at UChicago
More than $20 million raised since the UCCRF’s inception
Supporting the work of more than 200 cancer researchers


Board of Trustees

The UCCRF Board of Trustees is made up of the presidents of the subsidiary boards, representatives of other foundations, and distinguished philanthropists.

UCCRF Auxiliary Board

Since its inception in 1951, the Auxiliary Board has raised almost $4 million for cancer research, with a focus on supporting junior faculty.


Michelle Le Beau and Michael Caligiuri

Simon M. Shubitz Cancer Prize and Lectureship

The award, presented annually to a scientist who has made significant contributions to the study of cancer, is named in honor of Simon M. Shubitz, MD, a distinguished alumnus known for his dedication as a physician and his efforts as a humanitarian and philanthropist. This event is invitation only.

Learn more >


Sarah Mitchell, Project Manager, Administration

Contact us at uccrf@bsd.uchicago.edu to learn how you can get involved.
